Sheila offers a variety of services for body/mind/soul balance
and soul integration
Sheila is the creator of the Conscious Awakening Network shown on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire internet television viewing platforms and on IOS and Android phone apps as well as the ConsciousAwakeningNetwork.Org platform. This platform will launch the fall of 2022.
She is the founder of The Galactic Alliance, an international organization non-profit alliance whose mission is to provide life enhancing opportunities through providing community, support, and education. Formally known as the W.I.S.H. Alliance, The Galactic Alliance provides a Monday night and Thursday night presentation with high quality, conscious expanding speakers, hosted by Sheila. You can join any of the events at no charge by visiting TheGalacticAlliance.Org
She is the founder SpiritWay Wellness in EagleVail Colorado where she works with her son, Dylan, to offer traditional and non-traditional spiritual and healing sessions for integrated total body wellness and integration services. Sheila also provides spiritual teaching circles and offers workshops, classes, seminars, conducts weddings, and intensive training programs and healing sessions. www.spiritwaywellness.com.
Sheila completed her masters in Metaphysical Sciences from the University of Metaphysical Sciences in California and is currently working on her PhD in Metaphysics.
She has studied a variety of healing modalities designed to balance body, mind and spirit.
Her field of study for healing brings her nearly 20 years experience as:
Reiki Master/Teacher and Karuna Master/Teacher;
Certified Total Body Modification Practitioner;
Certified Natural Healing and Emotional Release Practitioner;
Certified in Energetic Systems Maintenance;
Life Care Vial Provider;
Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner;
BodyEvolve (BE) Therapist and working to become a licensed massage therapist.
Sheila is a registered Natural Healer through the International Natural Healers Association, American Holistic Health Association, and American Association of Drugless Practitioners.
For the past twenty years, Sheila has studied with Grandmother Medicine Song, served as an apprentice to her and has been granted permission to take the teachings she received forward.
In July of 2008, Sheila was bestowed the honor, by visionary, teacher and world renowned author Wolf Moondance, to offer her vision teachings of Rainbow Medicine. These are Wolf's own vision teachings and not that of any particular nation, clan or teacher.
Sheila is an ordained Interfaith Minister and Minister/Director through the Universal Brotherhood Movement, is ordained through the First Nations Church and Ministry and the University of Metaphysical Sciences.
Sheila came to this work through a series of illnesses of her own and through the walk-in process.