Walk-Ins: Cosmology of the Soul
Walking into 3D

Walk-ins are souls that agree to exchange places with another soul. Other books have been written about walk-ins, but Walk-ins: The Cosmology of the Soul is the first book to provide details about the processes of a soul entering into a body, the various types of walk-ins such as soul infusions, soul braids, soul overlays, jumpers and soul layering; preparation of the energetic bodies prior to a walk-in entering, the different types of soul experiences soul origins and the nature of the soul. Where do they come from? Why are they here?
Walk-ins: The Cosmology of the Soul was published in 2020, by Sheila Seppi, with the assistance of 15 other walk-ins and 8 other people who provide their perspectives about walk-ins and the nature of souls. Many of those interviewed, remember their walk-in origins and hail from a number of star systems, star beings and dimensions such as Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian, Mantis, Lyran, Vega, Andromedan, other un-identified systems, the 7th-dimension and the 13th-dimension. Most would think of these beings as extraterrestrial.
During late 2019 and early 2020, interviews were conducted with walk-ins focusing on their experiences, their missions, how the walk-in event affected their lives and where they are today. These conservations provide a unique perspective into the various types of soul origins.
There are many common traits among walk-in souls. Are you one of them?
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